The Top 3 Baby SHoes For EArly WAlkers

Nicole Booz

If your baby starts walking early, you want to make sure to protect their feet while allowing room to grow! Here are our top 3 brands:

Ten little First Walkers


What I love:

The sneakers are soft, easy to put on and take off, come in a huge range of colors, have a short sole, are easy to get the right size shoe. Plus they are super cute!

Stride Rite


What I love:

The Stride Rite styles, in my opinion, are a less expensive option to go for. However, they don’t have the longevity of other brands on this list such as Ten Little or See Kai Run.

See Kai Run


See Kai Run

We loved this brand when our kids were learning to walk because they accommodate wide feet well and are easy to get on and off little feet.

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