When you think of a typical job, what do you see in your mind? If you said a 9-5 job, me and you have something in common. Growing up I thought that was the goal that everyone was supposed to chase, even Dolly Parton sings about it.
If a 9-5 job doesn’t sound appealing to you, all hope is not lost. There are other ways to be employed/make an income. In this post we are going to identify the signs that a 9-5 job may not be for you. I won’t leave you there though. I’ll also be sharing some career alternatives that may appeal to you more.

7 Signs That A Typical 9-5 Job May Not Be for You
Your body and mind will let you know when you are in a situation that isn’t meant for you. Reflect on the past few weeks of your job. If you’ve experienced some, or alot, of these signs it may be time to quit because the 9-5 job may not be for you.
You Dread Going To Work Each Day
We all have days where we’d rather do anything else than go to work. If those days are more of a common occurrence that is where the problem arises. We aren’t meant to live life miserable.
Working hours consist of about 2,080 working hours a year out of 8760 hours, give or take some for vacation days and sick days. That’s a lot of time to be miserable. Instead let’s think about what might make this time a little happier. Keep reading to get some ideas.
Thoughts Of “Is this really what I’m supposed to do my whole life?” Come Up Frequently
Pay attention to the thoughts you have while you are at work, or thinking about work.If you feel unfulfilled or like you are supposed to be somewhere else, odds are this career is not made for you. If you find this to be true for you I want you to dig deep and think/journal about what is coming up for you. Answer questions like:
- Why am I unfulfilled at my current position?
- What would I rather be doing instead?
- What job opportunities should I be looking for?
If your answer is something a little different than a 9-5 job, welcome to the club. I’ll be sharing some things that may be more fulfilling for you in a little while.
The Time Doesn’t Appeal To You
A popular reason why many people give up the 9-5 careers is because they want more control of their time. Maybe they are an early bird and would rather start the work day earlier, or maybe they like to sleep in and would rather start working later in the day. Whatever the reason is, being able to determine your own schedule is a huge benefit of leaving a 9-5 for something different.

You See Yourself As A Boss And Not Someone’s Employee
The 9-5 job may not be for you because you see yourself doing something much bigger. If you’d rather be the leader of the show, or maybe you have a business idea already, entrepreneurship could be for you. By creating your own business you are in control of your hours, and you don’t have to answer to anyone.
The Weekends Are All That Makes You Happy
Living for the weekend isn’t really living. Believe it or not, you can actually enjoy your work. The key is to find something you love doing. If the weekends are the only time you feel happy, it’s time for a career change.
The Smallest Things Start To Irritate You At Your Job
Whether it’s tasks, people, the atmosphere, or something else, when you don’t want to be somewhere the littlest things will start annoying you. I’ve reached this point in some of my jobs and it’s not fun. If your work day is marked by irritation it’s time for a change in direction.
You Experience Burnout More Often
The last sign that a 9-5 job may not be for you involves paying attention to both your mind and body. Burnout causes symptoms like lack of focus, sickness, hopelessness, and more. If you start experiencing these things on a regular basis, it’s time to make a career change. Next up I’m sharing a few alternatives to the typical 9-5 jobs.
What To Do Instead Of A 9-5
Now that you have determined what you don’t want, it’s time to think about your next career move. Below I’ve listed five different options.
Start Your Own Business
We are starting with the biggest one. If you’ve had a business idea in your heart, but never let yourself entertain the idea, now’s the time to do that. Starting your own business can be a scary risk, but it can also be extremely rewarding.

Become A Freelancer
If knowing the 9-5 job may not be for you because you’d like a more flexible schedule then freelancing may be better for you. By becoming a freelancer you can work as little or as much as you want. Some websites to checkout to find gigs are Upwork and Freelancing Females. Facebook groups are also a great place to look for gigs by specific industries.
Take A Part-Time Job
Part-time jobs are a great option if you like the idea of consistent work, but you just want to work less. If you enjoy the place you are at now see if they have any part-time positions, if not there are plenty of other companies that offer part-time employment.
Become A Contract Worker
If you like working in short bursts and so find that a 9-5 job may not be for you, contract work might be a better fit. With this type of work you are combining the flexibility of freelancing with the consistency of a part-time job.
You are basically hired on for a short amount of time, or on a project-basis. Once that time or project is up, you move on to the next assignment, or take a break. You get to decide.
Take A Gap Year
Maybe working isn’t appealing to you. If you are financially able to, a gap period may be a good way to spend your time. You can travel, experience more things to do in the towns surrounding you, or reflect on where you want your career to go.

Final Thoughts On Why A Typical 9-5 Job May Not Be for You
If a 9-5 job doesn’t sound appealing to you, you are not alone. I hope this post gave you some clarity on what to do next. Whatever it is you end up doing, remember to prioritize your happiness too.