Whether you’ve been struggling with anxiety for a while now, it’s something new to you, or you’ve learned about it later in life and feel that you may have already been struggling with anxiety, we can all agree that it is not a fun time. Dealing with anxiety in your 30s is no joke and should be addressed seriously.
At best it makes you feel uneasy and have a hard time concentrating, and at worst you suffer full blown anxiety attacks. It’s a lot to deal with in your thirties when you have so many other things vying for your attention too.
In today’s post I’ll be explaining more about what anxiety in your 30s looks like and how we can push past it when it comes. I hope that my words will help you feel not alone in your struggles and can provide comfort as you try to navigate life with anxiety.
What Does Anxiety Look Like
Anxiety can show up differently depending on the person, situation, and more. It’s important to know what the symptoms of anxiety are so that you can become aware quicker, and hopefully feel better quicker as well. Here are some of the issues you’ll want to watch out for if you are concerned that you are dealing with anxiety in your 30s.
This is a sneaky symptom, because restlessness can be caused by a variety of issues. It’s not a blatantly telling sign of anxiety, but it is a sign that doctors will look for when they are diagnosing anxiety.
Excessive Worrying
Worry is a part of life sometimes. However, when the worrying interrupts your way of life that is a sign that it is more like anxiety in your 30s than your normal day to day small worries.
This is the most common symptom of anxiety. If you notice that your worrying is getting severe and happening more often, you may want to seek a doctor’s help to be diagnosed with anxiety.
Trouble Concentrating
Many people with anxiety show symptoms of having trouble concentrating. Honestly, it’s no wonder that this is a symptom because who would be able to concentrate when your brain is going through so much?
Feeling Tense
Tense muscles are also associated with anxiety, however the details are murky. Is the anxiety causing the tense muscles, or are the tense muscles causing anxiety? It could be something else entirely.
Feeling tense is a great physical indicator that something is wrong though. That paired with other symptoms can help you and a doctor discover that you are struggling with anxiety.
Irritability As A Result Of Anxiety In Your 30s
Now that I’m in my thirties, and have been in therapy for a few years, there are certain signs that I notice when I realize my anxiety is flaring up. One of those signs, or symptoms I should say, is irritability.
The littlest things will set me off and feel like huge problems. When I experience this often, I then realize that it’s usually anxiety.
Anxiety Attacks & Panic Attacks
Anxiety attacks and panic attacks are some of the worst symptoms of anxiety in your 30s. If you experience one of these it’s imperative that you get help and ground yourself back to the present moment when it’s happening. (You can seek professional help immediately by calling: 800-273-8255, or texting to 988.)
What To Do When You Notice You’re Anxious
Knowing what anxiety in your 30s looks like is only half the battle. The other half is noticing it within yourself. Then, once you notice it, responding in the right way. It can be difficult to notice it when you are busy with life, whether that be family, work, or both.
It’s important to notice those anxious symptoms as soon as you can though. You don’t want to stuff down your feelings or ignore them completely. That will only make it worse for you later. Here is what you are going to do instead:
Challenge & Reframe Your Thoughts
When you start noticing your anxious thoughts, it’s important to break them down. Then flip them into something positive so that your mindset shifts. Basically what you want to do is question your thoughts.
Some examples of what you can ask are: “Is the thought I’m thinking actually true (list the evidence)?” “ What are the chances that this will actually happen?” and “What can I/will I do if the situation does happen (walk yourself through how you would handle it)? This is a very effective way to handle anxiety in your 30s because of how it engages logic and full brain thinking.
Journaling goes great with the previous activity. Another way you can journal is to do a brain dump. Write your heart out, exactly what is on your mind, and keep writing until your mind feels empty again.
Remember there are tons of different types of journaling so explore some options that might work best for you. Finding the right way to journal for yourself is an amazing way to handle anxiety in your 30s.
Do Some Breathing Exercises
Taking some deep breaths is a great way to slow down your anxious mind. A technique that I like to do, that I learned from therapy, is called box breathing.
You want to breathe in while counting to four, hold your breath while you count to four, exhale and count to four, and finally count to four before starting again. Try it the next time you feel anxious and see how it makes you feel after a few times.
Do A Guided Meditation
Meditating is another great activity that will help you calm your anxious thoughts. Although it can seem intimidating or to woo-woo, meditation is actually an effective way to manage anxiety in your 30s.
If you are unfamiliar with meditation, or need a little help focusing on letting your thoughts go and being present in your body, I recommend doing a guided meditation. The apps Calm and Headspace are great resources for guided meditation.
5-4-3-2-1 Grounding Exercise
This grounding exercise comes in handy during high anxiety situations when you need help getting back to the present moment. What you want to do is say five things you see, four things you can feel, three things you hear, two things you smell, and one thing you can taste.
Do Something Active
Those anxious thoughts need a release of some sort. A great way to get rid of that anxious energy is to get active. Whether you go for a walk or a run, dance, lift some weights, or something else, getting some movement in will give you something else to focus on and get that anxiety out of here.
See A Professional
If you are experiencing anxiety in your 30s often and it is affecting your daily life, it may be time to reach out to a professional. There are medications you can take, and different tips and exercises to learn from therapy, that can help you manage your anxiety.
Final Thoughts On Anxiety In Your 30s
Now that you are more informed about what anxiety in your 30s looks like, and how to navigate those anxious feelings, you’ll be ready the next time they come your way.
Remember, a great resource to help with anxiety is talking to a professional. This is especially true if you are having thoughts of harming yourself or others. If that is the case seek help immediately by calling this number, 800-273-8255, or texting the number 988.