When you’re pregnant, you prepare and you prepare and you prepare. You read all the books. You might even fell like you know and have what is really needed postpartum too.
Your Instagram and TikToks turn into baby experts, with your entire FYP filled with pictures and videos of all the things you need to know. You talk to your friends who are already moms to get their advice. You know what to expect for when you’re postpartum – or at least you thought you did.
The 8 Vital Things I Needed Postpartum
I’ll admit it – I thought I was so ready for postpartum. But honestly, I’m not sure anything really prepares you until you’ve done it. So, to try and help you out as much as possible, here are the things I really needed postpartum – and the things I’d suggest for you to try and have, too.

1. My Mother
It takes a village. You hear it before you have a baby… and you probably shrug it off. But it’s so true. I needed my mother 100% during my postpartum period – not just because she was my mom, but because she was helping to take care of the baby and her baby.
I didn’t realize how out of it I’d be after labor – I really thought I’d be up and at ’em in about 3 to 4 days. That was funny – try 3 to 4 weeks! My mother was fully hands on, helping where she could with the baby, but also helping out with things around the house.
Having someone else worry about the laundry – both mine and the baby’s, fixing dinner to make sure I was eating, and keeping the house clean is something I really appreciated needing not to worry about, that way I could focus on my baby and my recovery.
If your mother unfortunately isn’t with you anymore, any loved one who’s close to you can come and help like this. Just don’t be afraid to ask for help! You can’t do it all yourself, and that’s okay.
2. My Husband
My husband became dad of the year within the first few hours of being a dad. He was fantastic caring for the baby as much as he could so I could prioritize rest and getting my strength back. Having him around was one of the best things I had that was absolutely needed postpartum.
My postpartum period was smoother than others I know, and I am confident it’s because of my husband not expecting me to do everything for the baby myself. I’m pretty sure the first couple of weeks he even changed more diapers than I did, and I’m not ashamed to admit that!
3. A Water Bottle
I was never the type of girl who carries her Stanley with her everywhere. I’d drink water, of course, but I didn’t have an emotional support water bottle. Well, fast forward to postpartum, and I had never been so thirsty. This water bottle easily became one of the most needed postpartum items.
This was likely largely in part due to the fact that I was breastfeeding, so if you plan to breastfeed, make sure you have a water bottle you love. Plus the more you drink, the better your supply tends to be!

4. Pain Relievers
I am not afraid to admit that I used pain relievers as much as I needed. I actually didn’t take them when I was discharged from the hospital and within a few hours, I was in so much pain.
My advice? Make sure you have ibuprofen and acetaminophen at home before you go to the hospital – if you are okay with taking pain relievers, you are going to find they are needed postpartum.
5. My Bathroom Kit
If you’re pregnant and have been on TikTok, you’ve probably seen those videos of people showing off their bathroom caddys for themselves. You may have rolled your eyes at them… but you shouldn’t – it’s such a help and something that is definitely needed postpartum!
I made a diaper caddy and it stayed in my bathroom until I got my six week clear from my doctor. You are going to be in diapers if you delivered vaginally – it’s nothing to be ashamed about. Make things easier for you and put together a little station in your bathroom that has diapers/pads, tucks, dermoplast, and so on.
6. Food! A MUST-HAVE Needed Postpartum
I mentioned above I was fortunate to have my mother taking care of what I was eating. When you’re in the midst of postpartum and taking care of a new baby, you may be so focused on feeding the baby, you forget to feed yourself!
Lean on loved ones to handle the cooking for you. If you don’t have loved ones nearby, meal prep some food you can keep in the freezer and easily warm up.
7. Comfortable Clothes
You are not going to fit back into your pre-pregnancy clothes right away and that’s okay! Make sure you have some clothes for the postpartum period – or if they still fit, wear your maternity clothes still. You’re going to want to be comfortable so don’t forget this when you are gathering the items needed postpartum.
If you’re nursing, you are also going to want to make sure that your clothes are easy to nurse in, too. Also don’t forget, as mentioned above, you will likely be in diapers for a while, so you are going to want to make sure you’re wearing something that comfortably fits that. I gave birth in the summer, and I lived in dresses and oversized shirts – it was just so much easier with my “diaper” and anytime I had to go to the bathroom to change it.
One thing I did forget about was underwear – cotton, breathable underwear form when I transitioned from diapers to pads. I didn’t want to ruin my everyday underwear, so I ended up needing to order cotton ones a few days after coming home from the hospital.

8. A Support System
You shouldn’t need to get through your postpartum period alone. I said it above and I’ll send it again – don’t be afraid to ask for help, especially from those in your life who are also moms. They’ve been where you are and know what you’re going through!
A support system is absolutely one of those things needed postpartum. Whether it’s asking someone for some help with meals or just texting a mom friend asking them if something your baby’s doing is normal, it all helps make the postpartum stage easier.
Final Thoughts On What I Really Needed Postpartum
As much as we try to prepare, there are always things we miss. I hope this list has brought up a few things that you may not have thought of as something really needed postpartum. And hopefully, this list at least highlights the most important points of what you’ll need during that time.