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Why You Should Celebrate Turning 30

Turning thirty is a huge milestone. But, it’s also a daunting one. Weren’t you just celebrating turning 21 and being legal? How is it time to celebrate turning 30? Time really does fly, and your twenties are proof of that.

You may be absolutely terrified to turn 30. That’s a common feeling. It’s okay to be scared to turn the big 3-0. It happens to almost all of us. But then we hit our 30s and we realize it isn’t so bad at all (unless you try and drink like you’re still 20, or you sleep the wrong way, of course).

Turning a year older is something meant to be celebrated, and turning another decade older is something definitely worth being celebrated.

How you want to celebrate is up to you. You can have a sophisticated dinner party. You can have a big blowout rager. You can travel with your gal pals or with your boo or solo. You can have a quiet night at home with loved ones. You can pop a bottle of champagne and call it a day. Treat yourself to a spa day or spend time giving back. It doesn’t matter how you celebrate it, as long as you do celebrate it.

If you’re still on the fence about celebrating turning 30, here are some reasons why you should be celebrating yourself and the big 3-0.

why you should celebrate turning 30

Why You Should Celebrate Turning 30

1. You made it through your twenties.

Your twenties are hard. They’re a decade of learning and growing. Think about who you were at 21 and who you are now. It’s a different person, isn’t it?

Chances are in your twenties you started your career. You may have moved out for the first time. You may have even met your person. Your twenties are about making mistakes, learning from them, and growing up. You did just that, didn’t you? Now, it’s time to celebrate.

2. You’ve been through a lot.

Think about everything you went through in your twenties. The ups and downs. The highs and lows. The laughs and the tears. The break ups and the make ups. The losses and the gains. The job rejections and the hires.

It was a lot, wasn’t it? But you got through it, and all of those experiences have shaped you into the person you are today. If that’s not something to celebrate, I don’t know what is!

3. You’re more grown up.

No, I don’t mean this in an “age” and “old” way. I mean this in a mature way. You’re more grown up. The little things that used to get to you no longer get to you. You’re no longer figuring out who you are – you know who you are.

You’re more confident in yourself, especially at work. You know what you like and what you don’t like. You know how to set boundaries. You know what you can tolerate and what shouldn’t be tolerated. You’re more mature, and all of that are things to celebrate.

4. You’re surrounded by good people.

Friends come and go. That’s something you learn a lot in your twenties. Life gets busy once you start working, and you quickly see who the real ones are still making an effort to keep in touch and see you.

You also notice who you’re making more of an effort to keep in touch with, too. You may be surrounded by a smaller circle in your 30s, but they’re the realer ones. Friendships are about quality over quantity, aren’t they? Who better to celebrate turning 30 with than those who are closest with you. It’s a great excuse to get together and celebrate as a group!

why you should celebrate turning 30

5. You’re more financially stable.

No, we don’t mean you’re rolling in the dough (but if you are, that’s definitely something worth celebrating in itself!). But chances are you’re making more money now than you did when you first started working. You may even have some savings. You likely know how to manage your money better.

I know for me personally I prepared financially for turning 30 and it was one of the best things I did. You probably have some extra cash you can use for some type of celebration – go ahead, you deserve to spend it on yourself and welcome 30 with wide open arms.

6. Not everyone sees their 30th birthday.

I’m not trying to be morbid, but I am a firm believe that aging is a gift. Not everyone gets to see every birthday, and we should never take that for granted. This is especially true when it comes to milestone birthdays, in my opinion.

You should celebrating turning another year older – another decade older. The biggest birthday gift you can be given is the opportunity to have another birthday. If you don’t want to celebrate turning 30 per say, celebrate the beautiful life you are living.

why you should celebrate turning 30

Still not convinced you should celebrate turning 30?

If you still aren’t feeling celebrating turning 30, no one is going to force you to. You handle turning 30 whichever way is best for you. But to help you out, there are some great books that you can read that can help you get through this new decade in life.

Also, there are some things you will look forward to in your 30s. For me, there were some unexpected, positive ways my 30s feel different than my 20s and I am grateful for them. I realized I’m happier in my 30s – and I promise you, that’s not something I expected!

I loved my twenties, and didn’t want them to go. But I rang in my 30s surrounded by friends and family, and it was the perfect way to launch myself into this new, unknown decade.

I can promise you that even though turning 30 may feel like the end of the world, it’s not. It’s filled with so many new adventures and experiences – ones that I haven’t found myself regretting just yet.

Did you celebrate turning 30?

If you celebrated turning 30, we want to hear from you! Tell us how you celebrated in the comments.

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About the Author

I had tons of fun in my 20s, but my 30s have been my favorite decade so far! From getting married and now getting to explore life with my best friend, I want to share my experiences and learnings with you. I've worked in both the nonprofit and corporate worlds and have freelanced all the way through. When I'm not working, you'll probably find me booking my next trip.