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9 Best Bassinet For Breastfeeding – 2023 Picks

After breastfeeding both of my babies, I can tell you how helpful it is to have a bassinet that is easy to get your baby in and out of. Especially for middle of the night feeds, which you will be doing for quite a while! It’s very handy to have an easy adjustable bassinet.

I will say that I personally always got out of bed to feed my sons. I found that if I stayed in bed it was uncomfortable and too easy to doze back off. Moving to a chair made it a much easier experience all around. Here are my top nursery chair picks.

What To Consider in a Bassinet for Breastfeeding

As a new mom trying to navigate breastfeeding and caring for your infant, I’m hoping this guide will simplify picking what kind of bassinet you need. Here are something to consider in a bassinet for breastfeeding.


Whether breastfeeding or not, you’ll want to consider the size of the bassinet. Some of them can have a pretty big footprint so you’ll want to make sure it can fit in your space.

You’ll need to consider if you need a bassinet to access from tall beds or maybe you need something for small spaces or a collapsible side panel. The best baby bassinet is what suits your needs best.


Safety should be the top priority, even over convenience. You want your baby to be safe in their sleep space. As new parents, you’ll want to learn what this means.

According to American Academy of Pediatrics, approximately 3,500 infants die each year from unsafe sleep environments. Dr. Moon, a professor of pediatrics at the University of Virgiina School of Medicine says, “babies should always sleep in a crib or bassinet, on their back, without soft toys, pillows, blankets or other bedding.” So keep that in mind when setting up your baby’s sleep space.

Make sure to always follow safe sleep guidelines. You want to place them on a firm mattress and flat surface on their backs without any additional toys, pillows, blankets or bedding in the bassinet or crib.


Unlike other lists on this topic, I am also going to be calling out the materials each bassinet is made with. Many products for babies are made from untested, unsafe, and unregulated materials. We are often putting out young infants on toxic chemicals that have respiratory, neurological, and endocrine effects on the body.

It is worth it, in my opinion, to invest in higher quality items. Especially for babies who are more susceptible to the effects of these chemicals.

I have noted the materials under each product. Some have better than others and those are my preferred recommendations.

Accessibility Features for Breastfeeding

If you’re searching for a bassinet that is good for breastfeeding, chances are you are looking for it to be accessible. This might mean being at your bedside height, having wheels, being easy to move, or having a collapsible side.

Primarily when considering these things, consider your setup. If you plan to feed from bed, a collapsible side is probably recommended. If you don’t, I would pick something that you don’t have to bend too far over into to pick up your infant. But truly it’s all down to preference!

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9 Best Bassinet For Breastfeeding Options

Below we are going to cover nine bassinet options for breastfeeding. One of the sections below contains two from the same brand so while the list goes up to eight, there are nine total included.

1. Guava Family Lotus Bassinet Kit & Travel Crib

This combo kit starts as a bassinet and can turn into a crib which is as perfect for travel as it is for use at home. It goes from portable bassinet to play yard which makes it a top pick for me.

The bassinet weighs less than 13 lbs which makes it easy to move around your home. The bassinet measures 50″ L x 31″ W x 26″ H making it the perfect bed height. It also has breathable mesh sides for safety.

This bassinet kit and travel crib combo is Certified GreenGuard™ Gold which is absolutely amazing and among the highest standards for baby products. On top of their crib and bassinet, they also offer an organic cotton sheet.

The Lotus Bassinet’s weight and size limit is for newborns to 18lbs OR when your little one can push up on their hands/knees or sit unassisted. Additionally, The Lotus Crib is approved for use from 0-3+ years old with no weight limit.

They have a generous 30 day return policy with free return shipping so if you are not satisfied with your purchase you are able to return it at no charge. It also comes with a travel bag to make it easy to take with you. It makes a great travel bassinet.

It has a list of certified safety standards as well:

  • US Federal Standard for Bassinets (ASTM F2194)
  • Consumer Product Safety Information Act (CPSIA 2008)
  • US Federal Standard for Play Yards (16 CFR 1221 / ASTM F406)
  • Consumer Product Safety Info Act (H.R. 2020 / CPSIA 2008)
  • GreenGuard™ Gold Certification

I like the longevity of this bassinet and travel crib, the storage options, the ease of mobility and use, and the price. Overall, I think it’s a great choice and great value and would be a top choice contender.

2. Maxi-Cosi Iora Bedside Bassinet

This bassinet is both stylish and functional. It has mesh sides for safety and airflow. Plus,it is height adjustable so you can make it the perfect height for your bed.

It also has a handy storage compartment below so that you can store anything you might need down there. Things like diapers, wipes, snacks, water, etc.

It also folds flat for storage and for travel. Reviews report that it slides easily so you can move it close to you in bed for the middle of the night feeds.

The mattress is made out of 100% polyurethane foam pad which is not the best material. That is my main concern with this bassinet. Scientifically, polyurethane is considered inert when fully reacted. However, also keep in mind that polyurethane is made from petroleum based chemicals which can emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs) which can cause respiratory irritation.

This particular bassinet does not have a sheet so your baby sleeps right on the mattress. For this reason it is not my top choice. It is not recommended by the manufacturer to add an additional sheet.

3. The Snoo Bassinet

I personally am a huge fan of the Snoo. I used it with both of my children. The Snoo Bassinet is known as a “smart” bassinet that helps soothe your baby as they learn to connect their sleep cycles naturally. It also has built in white noise which helps improve baby sleep as it simulates a womb-like environent.

It does not replace a parents’ comfort, though. The Snoo simply reacts to noise and moves gently to help calm your little one. It is a pricier option and if I had not planned to use it for more than one child, I would have rented it. (Also I purchased before renting was an option, but would consider it in the future as we resold our Snoo).

The mattress in the Snoo is made from polyurethane foam, however, it uses an organic cotton sheet and an organic cotton swaddle so your baby is not in direct contact with the mattress. This is preferable to me as someone who cares about what comes into contact with my baby’s skin.

If you have the extra budget or have family and friends chipping in, I personally think the Snoo is great option.

The Snoo, in my opinion, is worth exploring. It is a great height for picking baby up and I love that it has its own sleep sack/swaddle that is made from top notch materials.

4. The Wave Crib from Nestig

This is technically a crib and not a bassinet but I wanted to add it to this list because of its unique features.

This crib goes from mini crib to full-size crib to toddler bed making it easy for you to transition as your baby grows. It includes all of the conversion kits to simplify everything.

You can also purchase it directly with the Newton mattress which is GREENGUARD GOLD CERTIFIED, fully washable (yes it can go in the washing machine!), and recyclable.

As a mini crib, it is on wheels an is able to roll easily across the floor making it ideal for breastfeeding. It has three adjustable mattress heights so you can adjust it for safety as your baby develops new skills like sitting up and pulling to stand.

This crib is made from non-toxic materials and is also lead and phthalate free. The frame is constructed from sustainably harvested solid Brazilian Pine and the mattress support is made from eco-engineered wood.

Overall I love the versatility of this crib. It is a bit more of an investment but for three beds in one, I think it is a great price.

5. SnuzPod Bedside Crib/Bassinet

The SnuzPod is an Scandinavian-inspired design that’s quite unique! It can be used as a standalone crib or can nestle against your bed and be attached with a strap. Additionally, the top portion lifts off so you can transport the bassinet wherever you need to.

It has a breathable mattress and optional reflux incline. Also, it has a Comfort Air system to regulate temperature and mesh sides for breathability which are also washable.

Some reviews describe it as large while others describe it as small, so be sure to measure it to see how well it will fit in your space.

It also meets new bedside crib safety standard BS EN 1130:2019 for added peace of mind.

At night it can either be a standalone crib or easily adapts to nestle against your bed for easy access.  Then, simply lift off the top section and it can be used as a bassinet to transport anywhere in the house that you choose. 

According to their website, it fits more beds and any other bedside sleeper fitting up to a max of 28.7 inches (73cm). Of the ones so far, I think this is what I would say is the best bedside bassinet for a newborn baby.

6. HALO Baby Bassinet Bedside Sleeper

Moving into the more traditional style bassinet sleepers for breastfeeding, the HALO Baby Bassinet Bedside sleeper tops the lists.

This particular HALO bassinet has a smaller footprint than the typical HALO. It has a lowering wall to help keep your baby close while bed sharing. What’s nice is that it’s very convenient for breastfeeding or post c-section recovery. It slides across the floor easily making it easy to adjust for middle of the night feeds.

It has adjustable heights allowing you to move it to where you are most comfortable. Overall, it is lightweight and portable. This bassinet always has breathable mesh walls and is JMPA certified for quality and safety.

It is recommended for babies up to 5 months of age or 20lbs. This particular bassinet does not come with a sheet but the brand does have some available for an additional purchase.

The HALO Bassinet also comes in the swivel version. This one is a bit more expensive and also had a bigger footprint (read: the base and legs of the bassinet) which not only takes up more space but reviewers report it being a middle of the night tripping hazard). This might still be a better choice for you, though so keep that in mind!

7. ANGELBLISS Baby Bassinet Bedside Sleeper

This sleeper is made of 100% polyester and for that reason would not be my first hoice. It has a triagnular structure made from aluminum and can comfortably hold babies up to 20lbs. This bassinet meets applicable ASTM F2906 standards.

For options, it can be used a standalone bassinet or a bedside sleeper with use of the two fastening straps that allow it to connectto you bed without gaps.

It offers 6 different heigh positions and mesh all around the bassinet. Plus, it has four safety-rated bake wheels for rolling safely.

There is also an easy open sidebar so that you can access your baby from the bed. This particular model also has a large storage basket underneath which is handy. The mattress is removable for easy cleaning.

Overall, not a bad choice. I would try to get an organic cotton sheet to keep between your baby and the mattress.

8. Simmons Kids Dream Bedside Baby Bassinet Sleeper

And finally the last sleeper on our list. The Simmons Kids Dream Bedside Baby Bassinet Sleeper from Delta Children has some ideal features for breastfeeding moms.

Like the one above, it is made from polyester – not a top choice material. It does have a 2-in-1 design that makes it useful as a standalone bassinet or a bedside sleeper.

The mattress pad is waterproof. It also comes with a fitted sheet and a strap for the best. The sheet and cover and washable.

It has 6 adjustable height positions which fit most beds from 19 to 25 inches. The sides are also mesh which makes them breathable and allows for airflow. This bassinet is also JPMA certified to meet or exceed all safety standards.

Additionally, there is a large storage pocket which is handy for things you might need like diapers, wipes, snacks, a nightlight or your phone.

Other options:

In case none of these suited you, I wanted to list a couple more options that will help keep baby within arm’s reach:

In Summary: Best Bassinet For Breastfeeding

The best bassinet for breastfeeding is the one that suits your needs best! In general you are going to want to consider where it will be placed in your room.

Do you want it next to you bed? Or a chair? Will you be feeding in your bed or a nearby chair? Do you want a collapsible side? How important is the quality of materials to you? What other features do you want? These are all things to consider before purchasing!

If you have any questions or comments, leave them in the comment section below and I’ll do my best to help you!

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About the Author

Nicole Booz is the founder of GenTwenty and GenThirty. She is an entrepreneur, author of The Kidult Handbook, and most importantly, Mama to two beautiful little boys. She loves reading, organizing her home, and living a simple, less toxic lifestyle. You've seen her in The New York Times, TIME, Insider, Inside Edition, New York Post, NextAdvisor, Forbes, Yahoo, HuffPost, and U.S. News & World Report.


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